Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question that is not answered here, please email us at
1. How long is the Pre-Match Training?
The training has a total of 16 lesson videos ranging from 2.5 minutes to 7 minutes totally about an hour. The quiz is only 20 questions and should take between 3 and 10 minutes depending on you.
2. Do I need any special software to watch the videos?
No, all of our videos can play from any computer and can even be watched right from your mobile device such as an iPhone or iPad!
3. How do I download the PDF documents?
You must Adobe Acrot Reader to view the PDFs:
4. What do I do after I watch all the videos?
After the last video, you will then continue on to the quiz. The 20 question quiz will also ask you for the lesson code that shows up after each video. Once you've completed the quiz, you're done.
5. What happens once I complete the Pre-Match Training?
Once you complete the Pre-Match Training, someone from BBBS will contact you for your next steps in matching you with your new Little Brother or Sister.


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